Mission Statement


AECMS is dedicated to the education of the whole child within purposeful, respectful environments based on the insights and research of Dr. Maria Montessori. We strive to guide each child to reach their intellectual, spiritual, social, and emotional potential within a diverse, inclusive, and nurturing community. We are equally committed to ongoing work and education in Anti-Bias Anti-Racist (ABAR) and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Practices.



Our fundamental goal is for each child to be the best version of themself. By developing independence, order, coordination of the body, and concentration of the mind, the child develops as an individual. The classroom community supports self-construction through choice in an atmosphere of wise freedom ; the child grows in an environment where social interactions are framed by grace and courtesy, first by care of the self, then care for others, the environment, and the larger world.

AECMS intends to create global citizens who are self-confident, life-long learners who care for others, and are responsible stewards of the Earth.